Abide Students

"Abide in me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me." - John 15:4

ABIDE exists to love and pursue middle and high school students for the sake of the Gospel.

ABIDE is a safe atmosphere for students to honestly and openly explore Jesus.

ABIDE is about having fun with friends, while talking about real life faith. 

ABIDE is about developing relationships and doing life together. 

ABIDE's goal is to help young people develop their own, authentic faith. 

  ABIDE is our ministry which connects college students with middle and high school students.  It is about developing relationship and being able to talk openly about faith and life. We believe that discipleship happens most naturally when you are walking with those who are a few steps ahead of you in life.  We pray that ABIDE will continue to grow to reach more and more local students here in Williamsburg and Whitley County.  


Abide Directors

  • Trenton Wheeler

    Contact Information

    Email: abide@ccchurchky.com

  • Leah White

    Contact Information

    Email: abide@ccchurchky.com

  • Connect

    Instagram - @abidestudents

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