In 2018 we prayed for the Adult Ministry of our church, we believed that the Lord was leading us to create an Inter-generational Adult ministry that is focused on being Rooted in God & with one another. In February of 2018 we originally launched a semi-weekly gathering at the church building called Rooted. However, after a year of pursuing that vision and having trouble making much progress, we decided to make a transition in February of 2019 and we launched Family Groups. This was the start of our new initiative for Inter-generational Ministry and we would love for you to be a part! These Family Groups meet once a week in homes to eat together, fellowship together, and study scripture. These groups are open to ALL age groups and we encourage parents to include their children as much as possible. Each group will decide for itself on how they handle child care. Go to our "Connect" tab to sign up for a Family Group and one of our leaders will contact you to invite you to come check out and be a part of their group!
family groups