We believe that the ultimate purpose of our lives is to worship God. Worship is recognizing and declaring God’s holiness and our utter dependence on Him. Simply put it's giving glory to God in everything that we do. God deserves our lives being lived for Him, regardless of the fact that we will never be perfect in doing this. As we seek God through His Word and through prayer, He reveals Himself to us. We respond to God after hearing His word and asking the Holy Spirit to show us how he wants to change our lives. When we begin to see God for who He is, we can not help but respond. We personally respond individually and communally in a number of ways— as a church we want to encourage an atmosphere of freedom in how we respond. Regardless of how we respond, our theme is to humbly worship the One for whom we exist.
We utilize the gifts of our volunteers in our congregation to serve the body.
If you are interested in joining our musical worship team as a musician or tech team member
Contact: Jordan Infield at Jordan@ccchurchky.com